More March Madness Fun
On Point and Annie Walters
March Madness II is a wrap! It was quite a successful week here at Highfields in Aiken. There were lots of smiles, great rides and big ribbons!
On Point, owned by Tricia Booker/Painted Horse LLC, and ridden by trainer Annie Walters was champion in the combined 3'-3'3 Green Hunters, winning three out of the four over fences classes (one with a score of 86!) and placing second under saddle. “Sunny” also jumped to second in the USHJA Green Hunter Incentive stake with a score of 82.
Hadley Rodwell and Angelica with Annie Walters
Hadley Rodwell and Angelica rocked their way around the USHJA Pony Hunter Derby, earning an 82 in their handy round and putting them in second place. They also had some great ribbons in the combined Green Ponies.
Christine Jablon and Winston won both modified Children’s/Adult Hunter trips on Friday and were also champions in the combined Adult Hunters, winning both over fences and under saddle.
Sarasen Jablon and Kingstown continued their tricolor streak. The pair earned the championship in the 2'3” USHJA Hunters on Friday and won the Low Children’s/Adult under saddle on Saturday. Unfortunately, inclement weather prevented us from finishing the division on Sunday. King was also champion in the 2'9” USHJA Hunters with Annie aboard.
Winston and Christine Jablon
Sarasen and Crocodile Rock placed fifth in the Pony Hunter Derby and also won both regular Pony Hunter trips on Sunday during the freezing rain, pulling off reserve champion. Talk about perseverance!
Caroline Oliverio and Thinking Out Loud won the warm-up round and had a second in the Children's Ponies on Saturday. Unfortunately, their showing was cut short on Sunday because of the storms.
Crypto Crusader was second in the 2'3” USHJA Hunters his first time around at the height. “Hershey” and Rehling De Roos also had some good rounds in the Long Stirrup division as they continue to forge their partnership. This young Thoroughbred is taking no time learning his way around the hunter rings.
Not pictured are a few who contributed to our beautiful ribbon banner: Alison Segura and Zydegeaux had two blue ribbons in both of their .80m jumper rounds, and Kapucino De Fremis and Annie also put a blue ribbon on the board in the .90m!
March Madness Rewards