Standard Board Includes:
Large, matted stalls cleaned several times per day
Tribute feed fed twice daily
Supplements dispensed as prescribed and supplied by owner
Individual/group daily turnout
Blanketing as needed
Our lesson program is tailored to match your riding and showing goals, and we provide training rides to maintain your horse’s or pony’s performance and fitness.
Lessons (private or semi-private)
Training rides (flat and/or jumping)
Other Services
Body Clipping by Jenna Metz/Metz Equine
Trim Up
Mane pull
Deworming (every two months billed to client)
Farrier - Derrick Cook or Ken Moody
Veterinarian/chiropractor - Mitch Lowry, DVM
Veterinarian (local) - Island Equine Clinic - Chris Ernst, DVM
Commissions on sales/leases/lease renewals if horse remains at AMW Stables - 10%
Shipping - Trailering is available to horse shows and for customized trips. Please inquire for prices and availability.
Barn Rules
1. Barn closes 7:30 pm daily.
2. No jumping outside of lessons.
3. The use of cellphones is PROHIBITED while on the horse.
4. Clean up after yourself and your horse. If you pick feet, sweep it up. If your horse messes up the wash stall, spray it out.
5. Halters are to be hung correctly on the stalls and bridles should be cleaned, figured-eighted and put away appropriately.
6. NO treats may be given to the horses while on crossties.
7. NO flip flops, short shorts or inappropriate shirts while in the barn.
Show Prices: Billed after show and due upon receipt of invoice. Show bill must be current before leaving for the next show.
Customers are responsible for stall and stall splits if you cancel after the show cancellation date listed on the show prize list. If you cancel within two weeks of the show, you are responsible for the stall and stall splits, along with 50 percent of daycare and 50 percent training fees per day while at the show.
Show Services Include:
Rider training - (same rider with additional horse at a discount)
Trainer rides: billed per class/schooling
Day care: billed per day
Stall cleaning
Feeding twice daily
Hay/water throughout day
Tacking and untacking
Morning preparations including longeing and/or hand walking in ring
Evening/night check
Administration of any medications
Show Supplies - billed per horse per show
Trainer expenses split among clients
Trainer hotel
Food – per diem
Groom expenses split among clients
Groom hotel
Food - per diem