December Celebrations
Elizabeth Box and Amoroso Z
The AMW team enjoyed more than just blue ribbons in December. In addition to great results at the Aiken December Classic Horse Show, we celebrated the wedding of trainer Annie Walters to John Rogeri on December 7.
To show her dedication to her AMW Stables team, Annie postponed her honeymoon for a week to compete the following week at the Aiken December Winter Classic III.
The show was the debut for our newest team member, Elizabeth Box, who showed Lee Odum Fisk’s Amoroso Z to championship honors in the Opportunity Walk Trot Canter. What a way to start your new partnership!
Other highlights included our 2’6” Children and Adults, who garnered excellent ribbons. Caroline Oliverio and Ell Yes jumped to second place over fences among other ribbons, and Truffle and Chelsea Koornick won a class and placed fourth in the Low Adult Challenge on their return to the show ring after a break. Christine Jablon and Winston continued their streak, with ribbons in every over fences class and fifth in the under saddle.
The Junior Hunters also shined, with Testify and Brooke Farfone jumping to top ribbons over fences in the 3’6” and Kingstown and Sarasen Jablon placing first, second and third over fences in the Small Junior 3’3”.
Lulu Hardie and Stanley Van De Klunderd earned a blue in the 1.0m Jumpers, and Don Perignon and Annie Walters-Rogeri did the same in the .90m. “Donnie” also returned to the Hunter Ring, where he placed second and third over fences in a large USHJA 2’9” Hunter division.