A Wonderful Time at WEC
Sarasen and Christine Jablon both earned championships at WEC!
We had a great time at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida, in November. “I was so proud of my team this week, with lots of spot-on riding, perfect horses and sunshine,” said trainer Annie Walters.
The Jablon family was two for two! Sarasen and Kingstown were champions in the Children's Hunter, 14 and under, section and placed second in the Children’s Hunter Classic with two scores of 84. They then jumped around their first USHJA National Hunter Derby in fine form! “King” was also first and second with Annie Walters in the WEC 3' Hunters out of more than 30!
Brook Farfone and Knee Deep
Christine and Winston had great rounds in the Low Adult Hunters, earning them the championship ribbon in a competitive field.
Brooke Farfone and Knee Deep made their presence known in the equitation ring. They were second in the Dover Saddlery/USEF Medal, third in the ASPCA Maclay and the USHJA 3’3” Medal and had other great rounds.
Lillian Cain and On Point had their first show together, stepping into the Children's Hunters! They had great rounds and great ribbons! “Sunny” also had excellent trips in the 3' Green Hunters in preparation for his Children’s Hunter debut. Lillian's Carbon Copy, ridden by Annie, had super rounds in the Baby Green Hunters as she returned to the show ring after a break.
McClaine Cobb and HTS Mile High Club also captured great ribbons in the Children's Hunters with scores of 81 and 82 in the younger section. They also concluded their show with an impressive third in the Children’s Hunter Classic.
Anders Paulson and Balou De Nous jumped in perfect form in the 1.20 Low Amateur Jumpers and showed off their hard work with beautifully smooth rounds.
Esme Melchoir and Fernando ES Z ended up the Low Adult Jumper reserve champions after winning one class and placing third in the other they contested. Alison Segura and Zydegeaux jumped some great clear rounds in the .90 Novice Adult Jumpers in gorgeous form.
“Donnie,” now formally named Don Perignon, made his show ring debut at WEC. He took no prep, no ear plug and came out of the stall brave and focused. This sweet baby was born to be a hunter! We’re excited to see where he goes! Special thanks to Jordan Lubow for another fantastic young horse.